Space Nation AMA Recap: Onboarding Logistikos
Space Nation
2023-08-10 19:45

Logistikos: Your entry to Alpha Gate Odyssey

On August 3rd 2023 we premiered our Logistikos system followed by speaking with our Founders. Replay the AMA with our co-founders Jerome and Tony, CMO Barry Hoffman and chief economist Josh Zhou. Learn more about the background and current situaton about Space Nation, onboarding Logistikos, Alpha Gate and more.


Allan : GM, Space Explorers! Welcome to today’s AMA, brought to you by Space Nation, a hot shot gamefi project with 50 Million dollars already invested in game development! They recently teamed up with Immutable X and just launched their membership panel named Logistikos, providing access to their Genesis Alpha Gate free-mint Collection. Today, it’s a great pleasure that we’re joined by the visionaries behind Space Nation.

About founders & Background

Allan: Let’s introduce our speakers today, starting with the co-founder and CEO of Space Nation. Jerome, could you give us a quick intro about you and your background?

Jerome: Thank you, hey guys. It’s Jerome, one of the co-founders and CEO of Space Nation. I’ve been in the game industry for 20 years.

20 years ago, I was lucky enough to become the product manager on World of Warcraft for China and led the team that launched the game in 2005 while I was at the publisher — the9. Later on, I joined Blizzard China and continued to manage and operate it until 2014. In my 10 years service to World of Warcraft, I served more than 100 millions users in China.

Later on I worked as the COO in Kongzhong Games, the Vice President of Baidu Games, the President of 360 Games.

I always dreamt of creating an MMORPG that incorporated all the changes and features that I wanted to see, that I experienced when operating world of warcraft, and I learnt from Netease dev team etc.

And finally in 2021, I realized that with the emergence of Web3 technologies and the maturation of other technologies, it has finally become possible to create a new type of MMORPG.

That is how all of this began — I convinced Tony and we decided to all in Web3 MMORPG. Our goal is to empower this team with new technologies and tools, either developed in-house or through partnerships, including Web3, AI, cloud computing, and more. We believe this is the right direction to take in order to create a new type of MMORPG that truly delivers an unparalleled gaming experience.

Allan: That’s really impressive, moving on to the co-founder and game director Tony Tang, a veteran game producer with a lot of big titles under his name. There have been rumors suggesting that you were involved with Warframe and Riot Game. Would probably need more clarity on that? Can you share more about yourself?

Tony: I’m Tony,a game developer with 16 years of experience, I served as SVP and Head of R&D at Leyou Technologies where I led product strategy and global operations for Warframe. A bit of clarification about my involvement with Riot Game. I wasn’t the creative for Riot Game as some media outlets suggested. The thing is, I might not have been as high profile as the franchises I worked on, but the thing I love about web3 is, the devs finally got the opportunity to earn recognition rightfully for our work, and I gotta give credit to an amazing veteran dev team we had.

Allan: Truly remarkable, moving on to the CMO Barry Hoffman, seeing your quote on the Immutable Partnership announcement and immediately got me intrigued. Can you tell us more about yourself?

Barry: Hi all, earlier this year I embarked on this intergalactic journey with the great minds of Tony and Jerome. The moment they shared their vision and the powerhouse team backing their vision, I was sold. It is not just about building a Space Opera MMORPG or even the lure of the Hollywood, but more the chance to build a real connected ecosystem with everyone combining cool community, tech, economy and amazing gameplay and content in various games and media.

To stay within the theme of space, my own journey within the gaming galaxies started in 2004, with various hats in marketing and product leadership roles. Before gaming took me on this crazy ride, I was working in various data science roles. Back then you have to picture me unraveling algorithms and data mysteries when flip phones were still a thing;). I pivoted into crafting gaming and marketing experiences across MMOs, racing games, CCGs and dabbling in the enchanting world of social casinos across PC, mobile and console. I also took a leap in building my own poker RPG fantasy game in 2011 and lately I helped some of the most iconic brands like Audi, Lamborghini, and Lucid launch their products digitally using game tech. This whole journey transformed me from an engineer to a marketeer to a designer and a product leader:).

Some fun scifi facts: My favorite sci-fi book is the Night’s Dawn trilogy of Peter Hamilton. My favorite all time series would be Battlestar Galactica. Both the 80s original and also the amazing reboot. Game-wise, I have spent almost a decade in Destiny now, but I expect to shift heavily to Space Nation when the playable becomes publicly available:). Without further ado, let’s buckle up for a bumpy but amazing ride. I am super excited to be here this great community:).

Allan: Sounds pretty pumped already, moving on to chief economist Josh Zhou, I understand it must be quite challenging to design tokenomics for a game with such ambitious goals. Can you tell us a bit more about your background and your current position in Space Nation?

Josh: Hi guys, I’m Josh, the chief economist of Space Nation. I devoted my 10-year career to three parts, one third as a trader in the banking industry, one third as a game designer and publisher in the game industry, and one third as an economist in the web3 gaming industry. When I was publishing some big titles, like World of Tanks, the players’ demand for trading their in-game items, or selling their labor force in game often came to my eyes. Unfortenately, in traditional games, it’s hardly to reach. But Web3 technology offers the capability of asset ownership and interoperation, which gives me more confidence. But meanwhile, because of high liquidation, there raised a new challenge in an open economic system.

I was quite interested in the integration between game and Web3, so I shifted my role to a hybrid builder of game design and economics, trying to make something new for the gaming industry. From 2018, I did some trials, even with over one million user growth in the first week. Now followed by Space Nation, I have faith that we can combine the game and web3 in a perfect way, with Fun first game design and a unique and balanced tokens system.

I’m willing to share more thoughts about design in our community.

Logistikos & Alpha Gate

Allan: Really nice to meet all of you, I have some questions about your latest announcements starting Logistikos, you guys have been creating a lot of speculation around it and its connection to the Alpha Gate. I just signed up on it, having a wonderful experience marking off those quests and claiming ORB, gaining EXP pts along the way, just curious what ORB or levels can do, and its association with your genesis free mint collection. Can you give us an overview of Logistikos?

Jerome: First off, a big shoutout to our team who’ve dedicated the past one and half months to creating and refining this platform, enhancing the user experience, introducing more utilities for both ORB (Which is the membership credit Token) and the Alpha Gate collection(Which is the space nation Genesis NFT PASS). As we’ve announced earlier, Logistikos is a membership panel serving as the gateway to the Alpha Gate collection. It helps users gain a deeper understanding of Space Nation by completing missions, rewarding ORB (Orbites) and EXP pts to motivate questers and referrals.

As Alpha Gate is a free-mint genesis collection to reward the earliest and most loyal supporters and contributors in the Space Nation ecosystem. It provides benefits including early access to new gaming content, airdrops or whitelist spots for NFTs in Space Nation ecosystem, exciting in-game surprises, access to offline events, and enhanced social value, among other benefits.

The Top 300 users accumulating the highest ORB stacking during the event will get guaranteed free mint spots through Logistikos. Qualified users that whoever reached Level 5 in the logistikos platform will get allowlist spots. It would be a first come first serve in the allowlist mint phase.

But all of the above is just a starting point. LOGISTIKOS is currently also in the alpha phase, and we plan to add new functions, features, content, and activities every month. We aim to provide consistent, comprehensive, and long-term membership services to our brave captains in Telikos Cluster.

For example:

In the future, ORB comes with multiple utilities in the Logistikos to buy or raffle for vanity goods, in exchange for valuable assets from partnered Web3 projects. Right now the initial 2 versions with its primary focus on the earning part. We’re already developing the new version to introduce more utilities for the consumption part and boost token earning.

Allan: That’s lit, been stacking up ORB and can’t wait for the new update to arrive. My 2nd question is also for you Jerome, I know Space Nation is on a mission to shatter the barriers between Web2 and Web3 gaming, to onboard more Web2 users for the sustainability of your ecosystem. May you elaborate how you would make that happen?

Jerome: Well, a big question, but the core is that we call it the integration of P4F and P2E.

Our team firmly believes that the future of Web3 gaming lies in the integration of play-for-fun (P4F) and play-to-earn (P2E). We have outlined the specifics of this approach in the whitepaper. Please refer to that document for more details on our thoughts about the future of Web3 Gaming. In one word, in one virtual game world, there should be both true gamers who play the game for the purpose of having fun and getting satisfaction from the game, and also people who spend time and efforts in the game to make earnings, they should be co-exist and economically bound in one ecosystem.

And among that we believe that the greatest potential for Web3 gaming lies in Web3 MMORPGs. MMORPGs are virtual worlds where players can enjoy high-quality content and have the opportunity to earn value within the game ecosystem. This includes both entertainment consumers who are willing to pay for a quality experience, as well as workers who can earn value by serving others within the game world. Additionally, some players become investors in the game’s economic ecology. At the top of the pyramid are the minimal number of top players who can both enjoy the game and make money. In some games, such as “Fantasy Westward Journey” and “World of Warcraft”, these different types of players can co-exist harmoniously for a long time, supporting and relying on each other, growing and progressing together.

Allan: Fascinating. I stumbled onto an early post that the alpha test will be scheduled on August 29th. Finally, the moment arrives, that we can get our hands on the game, control spaceships and build our fleets. Can you tell us more about the Alpha Test?

Tony: Yes, the alpha test will be scheduled on August 29th, only Alpha Gate NFT holders, select early supporters of Space Nation will be provided access. Players will pilot a spaceship to complete a main player-versus-environment mission series, which is also the primary objective for players in the alpha. In addition to the main missions, there are more than 15 side missions available for players to experience. Apart from the missions, players can observe the gameplay of other players and communicate in the lobby. All of the described activities take place on a big seamless map in real-time.

Allan: Really can’t wait any longer!! The trailer already got me pumped and I’m itching to play the game myself. The next question is about the partnership, Space Nation has done a lot of networking with web3 communities and one standout partnership is with Immutable. Can you shed more light on this partnership?

Barry: Yeah ofc, Immutable has made quite a mark in the Web3 gaming landscape. They’ve not only incubated but also forged partnerships with several big titles like The Gods Unchained and Illuvium, standing as a testament to their commitment to pushing the boundaries of web3 gaming. For our partnership, Immutable’s zkEVM technology will play a crucial role. So picture this: Ethereum security, EVM compatibility, scalability, and cost-efficiency, Immutable zkEVM provides a seamless and secure experience for players. The platform empowers the game’s custom smart contract support, advanced gameplay mechanics, and tokenomics, ensuring long-term stability and prosperity within the game. What does this conjure you ask? Why, nothing short of long term stability and a realm of prosperity, nestled within the very core of the game.

With regards to future partners, any Space Nation player can progress along the personal, group/guild or economic power arc, and we work with partners that add value to these arcs. Next to this, we should not forget that Space Nation is part of a larger vision in which we will transcend gaming into other media like TV, which was picked up by Deadline and more than 200 other news outlets when we announced a couple of months ago.

Allan: Sounds pretty exciting, really thrilled to see what you guys are cooking up with Immutable’s scaling solutions. Moving on to the next question, I heard Space Nation got a unique Tokenomics to onboard Web2 gamers to power the in-game economy. Can you elaborate more on that?

Josh: Yes. I’ll split it into three parts, we rely on combination of P4F and P2E, and ing-game economic stability, ecosystem growth. Key reason for gamers to play a game is fun, no others. So we onboard gamers, especially web2 gamers with Fun first gameplay. Play to earn is not a new concept. It has existed for decades in the game industry, much longer than Web3 gaming or gamefi. We observe that P2E for former gamefi were sadly not play to earn, but may be a better word for it, ponzi to earn, earn is from latter newcomers and the company’s debt. We want shape another P2E, more like traditional P2E, let the player offer their labor force and earn from other players who are willing to pay for their game experience. P4F pays to P2E. It’s a constant value flow that can run a long time.

So that’s the first interesting part for onboarding Web2 gamers, shaping a new form of P4F and P2E that has potential to exist long.

Speaking of how to realize this potential, another important thing is economic stability of the in-game world. It’s a huge topic. To make it short is that we introduce many approaches to keep our in-game economy stable.

Limited lifetime for an asset, models to target and maintain the macroeconomic targets, reinvestment, and more.

Outside of the in-game economy, and still the a part of tokenomics. We’ll adopt a dual-Token system that separates into CHR and OIK, each with distinct roles. 90% of revenue from Space Nation games will be reinvested to fuel ecosystem growth, enhancing utilities and community engagement, forging a strong foundation for lasting value.

CHR fuels in-game transactions, while OIK serves as a governence token, ensuring stability and value in our economy. Ultimately, Space Nation embraces DAO governance and player-driven production, creating a self-circulating and sustainable in-game universe.

Q&A Session:

Space Nation: How is Space Nation different from other Web3 games?

Jerome: Our tokenomics, NFT & governance designs are quite unique. It’s difficult to find similar designs on the markets. It’s rare to see a game that separates governance token and in-game currency token completely like us. In many pure Web3 games, people tend to bond these together.

Amazon: Can we have the recap of the AMA?

Space Nation: You can see the whole recap afterwards.

Ae: What was the biggest challenge & problem the team faced in the past? How did the team solve it?

Barry: From the first release to the white paper, every vision we have was in our head and we needed to bring it out. We are not just a couple of people, but a team of more than 100 persons. Every new milestone is probably the biggest challenge we are facing so far. The next milestone is going to be the alpha. I’m super proud to be alongside Tony’s team. We work hard to bring our thoughts to the ground:).

Ae: It’s so glad to see the team overcome the difficulties.

Barry: It’s you guys that help us to overcome the struggles. You help us talk to the people in the community and get feedback, seeing what ideas you have also helps us a lot.

Rubick: Is the game a complete open world or will you focus more on the story?

Barry : There are 2 types of games. One is a complete open world where you can do whatever you wanna do. There are already enough games of this type. What we want is to make a mixture between them. We want to be based on a strong space opera, just like a story that drives what you are doing; at the same time, once you are out of the main story, there’s going to be side missions, there’s going to be lots of things to do, like basically sending box things to do that keeps you excited.

Rubick: The game is scheduled for releasing next year, you build this game so quickly for just three years. Normally, these types of games take six to seven years. How could you have achieved that?

Barry: Tony’s team has been together for a long time. They are able to build a framework, it’s strong and stable. That means that they don’t have to start from scratch again. The other thing is that technology has advanced a lot more. Systems are more available than they used to be. When I started back in 2004, there was nothing available. You have to build everything from scratch. As I see from Tony, it seemed that they’re still building a massive amount of like systems, but still, having a team that’s longer together for a longer time, that allows them to go faster. So three years is a good time:).

Jerome: Three years is just what we have already put our first into and there’s another year to go. Most of our backend technologies, all the game editors are fully completed. That’s why we feel confident. Earlier this year we were able to see all the game editor tools like mission editor and environment editor in place. We decided to set a date of the alpha time.

HAlex: You mentioned on the Hollywood thing that you’re going to expand towards, so my question would be, could you detail a bit about how you got into contact with Roland Emmerich and how will he influence the game?

Jerome: When Tony and I decided to join the web3 area and make the Space Nation a MMORPG, we not just want it to be a game, but a transmedia franchise. Marco and I have been friends for a long time, also, Marco and Roland have been working together for more than 2 decades on multiple projects. It took us months to convince them to participate in us. We do have plans for transmedia projects. Marco and Roland will be working on the transmedia project side, and they will also be members of our World View Committee. The World View Committee are responsible for things like the World View, the storyline and chronics design and setting up the rules. One more thing I can tell you that is, the game was originally named as a different name. It was actually Marco and Roland renamed the game and there will be a lot of details. But some of the planning has not been finalized at the current stage.

Barry: More information about the World View Committee will be discussed in another AMA.


Space Nation


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